Red Carnation bouquet
is better than a red bouquet bouquet of carnation flowers to express love? Red color
is a synonym of love. By just simply giving this bouquet you can spark up your relationship.
What are you waiting for? Just order from gifty basket 6 red Carnations and
surprise your loved ones.
Product details :
06 carnations
green fillers
described as Gentle, Graceful and Glorious, carnation is a meaningful and expressive
flower choice.
Red Carnations
are presented to convey admiration and adoration. They do not necessarily represent
the strong passionate emotions of love, rather a softer and subtle expression. They
also enunciate the profound sentiments of love and affection.
have a history of being brewed into tea to help reduce stress and restore energy.
Carnation tea has also been used to reduce fever and treat stomach aches. In addition
to tea, carnation oil is used in beauty products to moisturize skin, minimize wrinkles,
and treat skin conditions.