20 Red And Yellow Carnations In Basket
You can't buy happiness but you can buy flowers to make
other person happy. So why not? Giftybasket provide you with a lot of flower bouquet
option. You just need to explore giftybasket. Now you can also attach your
personalized message. After all what is better than a personalized message and
a bouquet. Flowers can make anyone happy and cheerful. Gifting flowers is perfect
for almost all the occasion, weather it be anniversaries, wedding, birthdays Father's
day, mother's day, or even as a apology gift.
Product details :
20 Red And Yellow Carnations
A good quality basket
Seasonal fillers.
While they all symbolize love, distinction and fascination,
you can tailor your message by the color you choose. Every color of a certain
flower carries a deeper message and symbolism. Some flowers have only one or
two colors, while the colorful Carnation comes in several different colors.
Red Carnation- Red Carnations symbolize love, passion
and admiration. This is a perfect gift for someone you love and for someone to
whom you feel attracted to.
Yellow carnation- Yellow Carnation flower is a symbol
of rejection and it was often given to those who weren’t exactly attractive to
us, or to someone who is out of our area of romantic interest.